Here we go again! PBS, who air “Grantchester” in the USA, have released a trailer for Season 8 together with episode synopsis’ and recurring and special guest cast list. Typically, Jemma is not mentioned in the PBS articles for Season 8. Here’s the link to the main article:
“Get Ready for Grantchester Season 8” – PBS
Here’s the trailer – and I cannot spot Jemma in this (maybe those of you with better observation skills will have more luck!):
It’s not all doom and gloom – other articles state Jemma will be back and, honestly, looking at the synopsis of the final episode in particular, it would make sense for Amelia to make an appearance. Tellyvisions seem convinced she will be back:
Tellyvision’s Grantchester Update
In other “Grantchester” news, PBS will air Season 8 on 9 July. However, ITV have yet to announce a UK air date.
Ah well – it’s wait and see time again. Please keep the site updated should you spot anything! Thank you!