Categories Doctor Who TV series

Jemma Redgrave – HD Screencaptures – “Doctor Who – Time Fracture” Promo Video

A batch of HD Screencaptures (1280 x 720) of Jemma Redgrave from the “Doctor Who – Time Fracture” promotional video are now in the gallery.

Here’s a preview:

Gallery Link: Tv Series/Doctor Who/Miscellaneous/Time Fracture Promo Video Screencaptures

Categories Doctor Who TV series Videos

Doctor Who: Time Fracture – Promo Video starring Jemma Redgrave

A promo video for “Doctor Who: Time Fracture” – the immersive experience coming to London in Spring 2021 – has been released and, rather wonderfully, it features Jemma Redgrave as Kate Stewart. Not overly fond of the “formerly Chief Scientific Officer” bit though lol. Screencaps to follow.

Further details of “Doctor Who: Time Fracture” can be found on their website:

“Doctor Who: Time Fracture”

Categories Doctor Who TV series

Jemma Redgrave – HD Screencaptures – “Doctor Who” – “The Power of Three” – “Behind the Scenes”

A small batch of HD Screencaptures (1280 x 720) of Jemma Redgrave from the “Doctor Who – The Power of Three” Behind the Scenes video are now in the gallery.

Here’s a preview:

Gallery Link: Tv Series/Doctor Who/Series 7/Behind the Scenes: Episode 7×04

Categories Doctor Who Midsomer Murders TV series Videos

Update – New Screencaps and Video Added

A couple of updates to the site – firstly, the screencaptures in the “Doctor Who – Back in Cardiff” album have been updated. There are now over 100 caps – all 1920 x 1080 HD (replacing the 27 that were originally there at only 1000 pixels).

You can find the album here: “Doctor Who – Series 9 – Back in Cardiff – Captures”

The Video Vault has also been updated with Jemma’s scenes from “Midsomer Murders” – S20.E03 – “Drawing Dead”.

The link to watch is: “Video Vault – TV Series – Midsomer Murders”

Categories Audio Dramas & Radio Doctor Who

“UNIT: Incursions” – Big Finish Audio – Out Now

“UNIT Incursions” is available now – priced £22.99 for CD and £19.99 for download. You can order the boxset here: “UNIT Incursions”

Big Finish have also released a rather good trailer together with a synopsis of the stories:

Threats to our planet come in many forms. Some are alien visitations, some lay dormant in Earth itself, and occasionally, danger arrives with a big gun and fantastic hair.

Whatever the threat, whoever the enemy, UNIT is ready to defend the world.

8.1 This Sleep of Death by Jonathan Morris

Abbey Marston. UNIT’s dark secret. A place where the laws of space and time, life and death, can be suspended. Where remembering the departed has consequences…

When UNIT faces a threat from a dead man, Kate has no choice but to return to Abbey Marston once more, to disturb the sleep of death. But the Static are waiting…

8.2 Tempest by Lisa McMullin

When the planet’s weather systems start behaving strangely, Osgood is worried. Soon, she and Sam Bishop are heading to a remote Scottish island where an eccentric old woman speaks to the wind itself.

Meanwhile, Kate Stewart visits a deep-sea oil-rig where strange things are afoot. A tempest is coming, and it could be disaster for the entire world.

8.3 The Power of River Song Part 1 by Guy Adams

UNIT has been assigned to monitor the switch-on of a revolutionary new power system – they know from experience such things can be tricky.

Nearby, Osgood and Lieutenant Bishop investigate mysterious disappearances – and appearances of trans-temporal phenomena. Kate would like to ask the Director some questions, but she’s proving strangely elusive… until there’s a murder.

8.4 The Power of River Song Part 2 by Guy Adams

There’s a dead body in the power station. River Song is the prime suspect. And Kate is most concerned by the identity of the victim.

Meanwhile, Sam and Jacqui chase Vikings, while Osgood finds herself out of time. As deadly predators focus their attention on Earth, it seems activating the power of River Song could spell the end of everything…

Categories Audio Dramas & Radio Doctor Who Media

“UNIT: Incursions” – Trailer Released

Big Finish have released the trailer for “UNIT: Incursions” which is due for release this month. Looks like we don’t just have River Song…but more than one Kate Stewart…

Categories Clips Doctor Who Uncategorised Videos

“Doctor Who” videos featuring Jemma Redgrave added to the Video Vault

2 videos from “Doctor Who” featuring Jemma Redgrave have been added to the Video Vault.

The first is a video with 2 deleted scenes from “The Zygon Invasion” and “The Zygon Inversion” and the second is a video of Jemma’s “scenes” from “The Day of the Doctor” – “Behind the Lens” feature.

You can watch both by heading over to the “Doctor Who” section of the Video Vault.

Categories Audio Dramas & Radio Doctor Who

New Big Finish Audio featuring Jemma Redgrave for International Women’s Day 2019

Categories Audio Dramas & Radio Doctor Who

Big Finish – Vortex Magazine previews “UNIT: Revisitations” starring Jemma Redgrave

The new “Vortex” magazine from Big Finish features a preview of “UNIT: Revisitations” starring Jemma Redgrave. The boxset is due for release in November and features two “returns” from “Classic Who”. The Wirrn , from the 1975 story, “The Ark in Space” star in the two part “Hosts of the Wirrn” written by Chris Chapman. “The Ark in Space” is a pretty unforgettable story – it was Tom Baker’s second story and features his beautifully delivered “indomitable” speech. Besides, who can forget the green painted bubblewrap?

“Open the Box” is written by Roy Gill and sees the return of Captain Chin Lee from the 1971 story, “The Mind of Evil”. Roy Gill is responsible for the quite fabulous “Invocation” which is part of the “UNIT Encounters” boxset. Captain Chin Lee was a definite highlight of “The Mind of Evil” and it will be great to hear Pik-Sen Lim reprise her role.

You can download the free “Vortex” magazine from Big Finish.