Categories Appearances

Jemma to Appear with Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – “Weimar Connections”

Jemma will play Poesie in Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra’s performance of Liszt’s “A Hundred Years Ago”. Current dates are the Lighthouse, Poole on 2 October 2019 (tickets on sale on 4 September 2019) and Cadogan Hall, London on 4 October 2019.

Categories Appearances

Jemma attends the Opera

Categories Appearances

One Night Only at the Ivy – Group Photo

Categories Appearances

Photos – Jemma Redgrave attends “One Night Only At The Ivy” in aid of Acting for Others

HQ photos of Jemma at last night’s “One Night Only at the Ivy” in aid of “Acting for Others” are up.
Follow the link below to view the full size photos in our gallery.

Gallery Link:
Appearances > 2018 > 2 December 2018 | One Night Only at the Ivy

Categories Appearances Theatre

Site Update – Photos Added – “Three Sisters”, “Cyrano de Bergerac” and “Save the Royal Marsden Hospital”

The image gallery has been updated with a few “new” images. A new still from “Three Sisters” (1990); a promotional image from “Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) featuring Jemma with Edward Petheridge and Jason Connery and 2 images from the demo against the closure of the Royal Marsden Hospital (1993) with Fiona Fullerton:

“Three Sisters:”

“Cyrano de Bergerac:”

“Demo against the Closure of the Royal Marsden Hospital:”

Full size images are in the following galleries:

“Three Sisters”
“Cyrano de Bergerac”
“Demo against the Closure of the Royal Marsden Hospital”

Categories Appearances

Jemma Redgrave attends the Women of the Year Lunch & Awards

The Women of the Year Lunch & Awards were held today at the InterContinental, London Park Lane. Jemma was in attendance and, hopefully, some more photos will emerge later. If they do, I’ll add them to this post. The full size version of this image is in the Gallery.

Thanks to Sara James for the image.